Mittwoch, 28. September 2011

Anime rabu rabu

OMG,watched so many good Animes lately DX~~

sadly only 11 episodes T____T
certainly a must-watch *_______*!!!
25 episodes, not enough!!DX~
Funniest thing I've ever seen, really XD~~
love it so much! also a must-watch *_______*~~
ao no exorcist
24 episodes till now~
actually it's totally cool, but somehow I can't get addicted to it O.o
the rest of the world seems to love it, but well,it's ok, I like it~
26 episodes, I think...?
Ok, now I understand why so many pople love it!XD It's epic!
Totally must-watch <3<3<3<3<3

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